علشان الاقتباسات "الاستشهادات" أو طلبات المقابلات، أو الاستفسارات الصحفية المتعلقة بحجر رشيد، وحملة ReturnTheStone.org والالتماس العالمي لإعادة حجر رشيد إلى مصر،بنرجو منكم إنكم تبعتوا بريد إلكتروني إلى جون نافارا على John [at] EgyptTravelBlog [dot] com وهيكون سعيد جدا بالمساعدة.

القصص الإعلامية حول حجر رشيد

The True Stories of 10 of the Most Disputed Objects at the British Museum (Dec., 2021)

The Masterpieces That Napoleon Stole, and How Some Went Back (Jun., 2021)

Rosetta Stone will never return to Egypt, says expert at £1bn museum in Cairo (Feb., 2020)

Priceless Treasures and Their Shaky Pedestals (Jan., 2020)

Should the British Return the Stolen Rosetta Stone to Egypt? (Mar., 2019)

وأكثر من كدا قريباً...

قصص تانية عن إعادة قطع أثرية إلى أوطانها

Museums: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (Oct., 2022)

New York returns $19m worth of stolen art to Italy (Sep., 2022)

A London museum agrees to return more than 70 pieces of looted Nigerian art (Aug., 2022)

Protesters Gather Outside British Museum to Call for Parthenon Marbles’ Return (Jun., 2022)

Egyptian antiquities connected to international trafficking ring seized from Metropolitan Museum in New York (Jun., 2022)

Former head of Louvre is charged in artifact trafficking case (May, 2022)

A masterpiece that symbolizes the ongoing struggle to return Nazi-looted art (May, 2022)

An art sleuth from Chennai is taking on traffickers in a $10 billion black market (Apr., 2022)

US restitution of 200 Italian artefacts a ‘watershed’ moment, Carabinieri chief says, as looted art trove arrives in Rome (Dec., 2021)

Hamburg shows its Benin artefacts before restituting them to Nigeria (Dec., 2021)

Looted Guatemalan and Mexican artefacts—stashed in a German farmhouse cellar—are returned (Nov., 2021)

The Met repatriates looted Benin works (Nov., 2021)

In returning an ancient gold ewer to Turkey, the UK’s Gilbert Trust made the right decision (Oct., 2021)

Maqdala treasures looted by British troops returned to Ethiopia in ‘largest single restitution’ (Sep., 2021)

Museum of the Bible Returns Artifacts to Egypt (Jan., 2021)

After a Year of Inaction, France Commits to Returning 26 Looted Artifacts to Benin by 2021 (Dec., 2019)

France returns Omar Tall’s sword to Senegal (Oct., 2019)

France’s Louvre museum returns five frescoes to Egypt (Dec., 2009)